- Buy all of the new tools and programs. The ones with a monthly subscription option are the best.
- Join every Giveaway event and download everything you can.
- Download every free report that you can find.
- Get on everybody’s list — Because can’t get too many e-mails telling you to buy Product Launch Formula or Mass Control.
- Read every email that comes in – as soon as it comes in. You might miss some new trend if you don’t.
- Read and comment on forums – especially posts complaining, complaining about gurus really helps you grow your business.
- Bonus points if you subscribe to each post you make so you can respond if someone disagrees with you.
- Join Facebook and MySpace and every other Social Site on the web to make friends and find more people who will complain about how bad their business is going.
- Attend every teleseminar and watch every video.
- Make sure that your website is “Perfect” before you launch – you cannot spend too much time getting it right
- Spend your time writing top ten lists when you should be producing products
Tomorrow I will post the Top Ten Ways to be Successful Online.