Good post about preparing your elevator pitch. Too often we entrepreneurs get too close to our new business and believe that everyone will be excited for the same reasons that we are excited about the opportunity.
We need to take a step back and think about how it would look to someone who wasn’t as close. I’ve always enjoyed explaining my new business ideas to family and friends and if they got it, then I knew I was on the right path.
I especially like this:
“You can get into trouble with the elevator speech right out of the gate when you forget about the difference between the Language of Information and the Language of Connection. Yes, it’s important to include clear, practical information like who you work with, and what kind of challenges your work addresses, but remember that it’s not the facts and data you share that will move people to work with you.”
Powerfull Living » Putting the Lift Back in Your Elevator Speech
Tags: elevatorpitch, business startup