Mark Joyner is at it again
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mark Joyner is a # 1 best selling author who has produced some of the best information on the psychology behind effective marketing available. He built a very large internet marketing publishing business and then sold it and walked away from marketing several years ago.
But like most true entrepreneurs he wasn’t able to stay away. He has been working in the background helping several of the other big names increase his business and now he has produced another great book but it’s not yet available at your local bookstore. Instead, he’s letting you download it now for free.
If you want to learn how to grow your business whethe rit’s online or offline, this is an absolute must-read.
He has also added a section to the Integration Marketing community where you can post your joint venture / integration marketing proposals. I believe that Mark Joyner can make this Deal Board one of the most powerful marketing resources on the net.
Tags: markjoyner, integration marketing
An amazing video about living life
Randy Pausch is dying and in this video he reprises his final lecture.
It’s a truly inspiring video.
StumbleVideo – Randy Pausch reprising his &Last Lecture&
Billings, Mt on list
My little city is on the list. Billings has been growing like crazy the last couple of years and I’ve felt like some great things were happening. But it’s always nice to have someone else tell you that some things are going well.
– Billings is ranked No. 31 in’s Best U.S. Cities for Doing Business.
The original article is here
Dangerous Breeds of Web Designers
1. The Human Flash – This individual believes that every website should be flash. They will tell you that NOBODY uses html anymore. They will justify the website costing 5-10 times as much to do everything in flash by saying that it will look a LOT cooler.
2. The Dark Horse – Will only do black backgrounds and white text. Doesn’t really care that your target audience isn’t 18-25 year old Goths or gamers. Designs the site the way they like it.
3. The Microsoft Manipulator – Yep I’m picking on everybody – The Microsoft Manipulator will always go for Microsoft based tools without reviewing the actual customer requirements. He’ll also refuse to make sure that his web site works on Firefox or a Mac stating they SHOULD be using Internet Explorer.
4. Egomaniacial Coder – This individual feels that they need to write everything from scratch and charge you for it. – warning sign – he tells you that the e-mail programs out there are all designed wrong and that he is going to write a new one for you
5. The Widget Warrior – this individual will fill your page up with so many widgets and spinning objects that it will take a week to download on the average home PC – Famous phrase – it works fine on my machine
6. The Mac Maniac – This individual believe that Microsoft is the enemy and will tell you that at every turn. They are welcome to their opinion. But since most of the world uses Internet Explorer it REALLY IS important that it displays correctly on IE. Phrase to watch out for, Well everyone should be using a Mac…it’s better
7. The Linux Lackey – This individual is the geekier, less hip version of the Mac Monster. He also believes that Microsoft is the enemy, everything should be open source and everyone should be using Opera or Firefox for their browser.
8. The Bored B.A. — they’ve found that the only way that they can make a living with their Art degree is to do websites. Warning signs – they tell you that they have a wonderful inspiration for your web design as they pull out the watercolors or pencils….
9. Jeremy — The neighbor kid, friends’ kid etc – He’s usually named Jeremy. He had a class in html in high school and has built a one page website. The biggest issue with these kids is that they are usually a combination of several of the above without and real knowledge or direction.
10. The Cranky Copywriter – “Images are a waste of space — copy is what sells”
11. The Lazy Layout artist – Every one of their websites looks exactly alike
12. Last but not least … The Perky Perfectionist – They are ALWAYS “almost” done…kind of like this list of the top 7, I mean 10, I mean 13 Scariest Web Designers!